My Tableau Conference slides: No, Really, This is the “Communication Age.”

As presented to the Tableau Conference on September 11, 2014, Seattle. See this recent post for more context on my “vision.”

Mobile first. Cloud first. The Digital Age. Disruption.

Clichés abound as we all try to make sense of how technology has put us into a 24/7 state of communication. And therein lies the essence of a monumental shift: we inspire action by connecting to others, enabled by trust and persuasion. Former NBC News war correspondent Hanson Hosein now runs a graduate program for professionals that focuses on this very secret sauce. And you’ll get a taste of it through a dynamic, multimedia infused presentation that reveals the latest best practices, along with what’s lurking right around the corner. Ultimately, he’ll prove that all organizations must master a “communication first” strategy—from CEO to intern—to leverage story-driven content throughout its communities and networks.