The future of work will change why we work

The French — the bon vivants that they are — like to say they work to live, while Americans live to work.

Obviously, nearly all of are motivated economically to work. But how we earn also defines us.

As the first guest for season 2 of the XR Seattle podcast, I stated: “Why we do and who we are as we do, is as important as what we do. The more we disrupt that, the more consequential it becomes. We’re seeing it in the politics and polarization in this country.”

It’s not just about economics, it’s the sense of worth we derive from our work.

So there’s massive anxiety due to a massive acceleration in change. What can leaders do start to stabilize this?

They can build trust through clarity, purpose and narrative. Leaders should identify the changes that are happening, and seek to address them. They invite their constituents or employees to join them in this intiative by exploring the implications of these changes. Thus convened, they should be able to say, “we agree.”

This is how we adapt. This is how a good leader helps release human potential.